LIGHTWORKS Lunch & Learn CEU Event - Design To Disappear


Join us at the LIGHTWORKS Showroom for a unique CEU event that explores the concept of design to disappear. Discover how innovative design can seamlessly integrate into our surroundings, becoming almost invisible. Engage with industry professionals and gain valuable insights while enjoying a delicious lunch. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals

Course Description: This course introduces designers, or architects to the benefits of hiding technology into the design and architecture of a project. The course will begin by defining the luxury experience in residential design. It will then dive deeper into audio and lighting as elements that influence the luxury experience. Finally, the course will present solutions for hiding these and other technologies into design and architecture. Prerequisite knowledge: No prerequisite knowledge required.

Learning Objectives:

  • To define the luxury experience in the residential space
  • To draw parallels between lighting and audio design
  • To establish audio as a benefit to the way people experience their homes
  • To explore solutions and ways to hide technology into architecture and interior design

Date and Time

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM


9880 Via Pasar
Suite A
San Diego, CA 92126
